Thursday, August 11, 2011


Since there's a short break in my (loosely termed) work hours, now seems a good time to get in the bloggin' frame of mind.  Never blogged before.  Been too busy meshing the worlds of healthcare and needlework.  So, at 52 years old, I've slid on in to cyberspace. Beware. This nurse gets cross!! I'm a huge fan of counted cross stitch (no, this is not necessarily a reference to my body type ;)    and I have realized of late that it's time to try to dig my way out of my huge pile of stash.  I think the cat's in there somewhere.  I've had my eye on a little canvaswork too.... No, no.  Bad nurse. But then, why not?  Variety is, after all, the spice of life.  Not to toot my own horn, but I've become an expert rationalizer.  I can turn ANY want into a bonafide need, yes indeed!  Besides, there's still some floor space left!  Put that in your smipe and poke it!!!


  1. Hi Eva, I look forward to following your blog and your stitching!

  2. Oh dear, I hope you rescue the kitty! lol Added you to my list so I can follow your adventures, Nurse Eva! (((Hugs)))
